Last day in Amaiur

Last day in Amaiur

By Jason Fajardo. It was the 29th of July at 9pm in the town of Amaiur. The whole village was quiet and one can only hear the sounds of nature and whispers between the participants. Every single one of us were focused on the task at hand, as we were all determined to...
First week

First week

By Jason Fajardo. The first morning in Amaiur, we were brought to the highest point in the village. It was a 20-minute trek from the hostel to the peak of the hill. Within those minutes, we got an opportunity to take a quick look at the village and form a basic idea...
First day – Arrival in Amaiur

First day – Arrival in Amaiur

By Jason Fajardo. It was a sunny morning, and my colleagues and I just came from an exhausting 29-hour journey crossing seas from Manila to Madrid. Exhaustion was quickly forgotten though as we set foot in Spain. The beautiful morning sun, the amazing architecture and...